“L’ultima onda” del femminismo, tra forze e rischi della blogosfera e nuove sfide culturali
This work reflects on the complex relation we have developed with digital technology in the decade since the advent of Web 2.0. This has prompted a change in the activism through which the feminist movement frames and seeks to assert its demands, in what some have described as a "fourth wave" in feminism. This passage from the third wave to the fourth, revolving around the use of social media, provides the background against which to highlight the double-edged nature of this development, which on the one hand is providing new and richer opportunities to share ideas and engage in activism through the blogosphere, but at the same time is making it easier for women to become targets under new forms of aggression. The discussion closes by problematizing the transformative import of this "virtual turn" in feminism.
Keywords: feminism, third wave, fourth wave, new technologies, slacktivism.
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