AG - About Gender
ISSN 2279-5057
Title: About Gender. International Journal of Gender Studies
ISSN: 2279-5057
Periodicity: at least two issues per year
Year of creation: 2012
Publisher: Genova University Press (GUP) - University of Genoa
Evaluation procedures: double-blind peer review
Average time between submission and publication: 26 weeks
Languages in which the journal accepts manuscripts: English, Italian, Spanish
Focus and scope
Though gender studies have been established on the international academic scene for decades, they still have trouble with institutional recognition in Italy. Courses, examinations, and programmes that could formally validate this field of study are in short supply, and it is only thanks to personal initiatives and efforts that the so-called ‘gender question’ has been allotted space for public discussion. Thus, the Italian contribution to gender studies has failed to find an adequate institutional collocation, even within the potentially fertile humanities area.
For these reasons, About Gender has been set up. Its main objective is to constitute a concrete and visible point of reference for scholars conducting research about gender from within and without academia. The journal’s interdisciplinary vocation is meant to support and value dialogue and contamination among different interpretative approaches and analytical perspectives. It aims to promote an international debate based on the following:
Therefore, About Gender adopts a permanent dialogue and confrontation perspective, favouring openness and diversity. To stimulate an ever-updated debate about current studies, reviews of national and international publications and doctoral thesis presentations will also be welcomed.
Open Access Statement
About Gender adheres to the principles of Open Access, making all our published articles freely accessible online.
Publication fees
About Gender does not charge any publication or submission fees to authors, and no remuneration will be due by the journal to the authors.
Copyright and licensing
About Gender acquires the copyright of the published articles and releases them under the CC BY 4.0 licence, which allows content to be shared and reused and provides authorship to the authors and the journal. No accepted text may be published elsewhere without prior and explicit agreement with the journal's editors. The journal will not remunerate the authors. The author can present their text elsewhere if the article is not accepted.
© 2025 AG About Gender - International Journal of Gender Studies.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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AG - About Gender
ISSN 2279-5057