Inclusion or transformation? Gender and the politics of citizenship


  • Janet Newman Open University



Citizenship has tended to be an ambiguous concept for feminist activists and academics. This paper explores two different engagements with the politics of citizenship. The first centres on the politics of inclusion: struggles by feminist activists to secure equality of rights and benefits of citizenship. Here I focus on the problems associated with the predominant topic of citizenship as inscribed in the nation state, the problems associated with state citizenship projects, and the limitations of the bourgeois public sphere. The second set of engagements addresses transformative projects that seek to overcome such problems and limitations. These include challenges to the public/private divide; the turn to notions of recognition and respect; and grassroots struggles that mobilise practical conceptions of citizenship irrespective of, and well as in conflict with, legal and political definitions. I argue that these struggles for inclusion and transformation, while conceptually separate, are politically entangled. The paper concludes by suggesting ways in which the analysis might speak to the present political conjuncture.

Key words: Citizenship; Feminism; Social Movements; Inclusion; Transformation; Austerity.

Biografía del autor/a

Janet Newman, Open University

Professoressa emerita di Social Policy presso la Open University, dove dirige il Publics Research Programme all’interno del Centro di ricerca per la cittadinanza, l’identità e la governance e Visiting Professor presso la Copenhagen Business School. È internazionalmente considerata un’esperta sulle tematiche del welfare e delle politiche pubbliche. È autrice, tra gli altri, del testo (in corso di stampa) Working the spaces of power: activism, neoliberalism and gendered labour. Bloomsbury Academic.

