Dal corpo rivoltante al corpo in rivolta. Note su femminismo, abiezione e politica


  • Brunella Casalini Università di Firenze




This paper deals with the contribution of feminist political thought — namely Iris Marion Young, Judith Butler and Martha Nussbaum — to the reconceptualization of the body in terms of its importance in the construction and definition of citizenship boundaries. The work is divided into three main parts. The first part illustrates how in the feminist discourse, the body, together with its affections and emotions, shifts from the margins to the center of the political space. The second part describes how abjection processes function and how these are used as instruments of discipline and control through a politics of disgust and aversion. Finally the third part focuses on the forms of political action practiced by abjected groups in contemporary politics. Particular attention will be given to the SlutWalk movement. Nowadays, expelled and revolting bodies have come to occupy public space to symbolically stand as means of rebellion and revolt. Formerly stigmatizing terms such as 'queer', 'crip' e 'slut', are now being re-appropriated and resignified.

Keywords: bodies, abjection, derogatory terms, linguistic reclamation, SlutWalk.

Biografía del autor/a

Brunella Casalini, Università di Firenze

Professoressa associata di Filosofia politica.

Dipartimento di scienze politiche e sociali.

