I padri coinvolti e i mariti egalitari: per scelta o per vincoli? Uno sguardo alle coppie italiane con figli piccoli


  • Giulia Fuochi Università Bocconi & Collegio Carlo Alberto giulia.fuochi@unibocconi.it
  • Letizia Mencarini Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica dell'Università di Torino & Collegio Carlo Alberto Tel: 011670/5034 (CCA) /3884 (DIP), letizia.mencarini@unito.it
  • Cristina Solera Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società dell Università di Torino Tel: 011 6702654, cristina.solera@unito.it




There is a large debate on new models of fatherhood. By drawing from the 2003 Italian survey "Family and Social Subjects", we explore how many and who are these “new” fathers, whether they are “undoing gender” through an equal share of housework, and whether this occurs more out of choice or constraints. Results show that Italian fathers daily involved in childcare are a minority and male partners sharing equally housework are even less. Besides, they present specific profiles: they belong to well educated, dual-earner and homogamous couples (in terms of working time, occupational position and sector), living in North or Center Italy. Gender role attitudes matter less, affecting only the probability of being involved fathers and only in couples where both partners are traditional. In the other types of couples, where a traditional division is not "taken for granted", gender practices appear to respond more to resources and constraints.


Keywords: domestic chores, housework, childcare, new fathers, gender equality

