Esta es un versión antigua publicada el 2022-06-15. Consulte la versión más reciente.

La regolamentazione giuridica del Same-sex marriage. Alcuni percorsi di riflessione tra femminismo, giusfemminismo e pensiero queer


  • Anna Cavaliere University of Salerno, Italy



The tenth birthday of AboutGender is the opportunity to try to take stock of the most recent developments in the feminist reflection in different fields. One of these is the law. The legal regulation of Same-sex unions is used as a starting point of the present study. This topic constitutes a pivotal issue for understanding the Italian feminist debate on the law, which is firmly connected with a series of issues that have affected it: discrimination, gender violence, and rethinking of welfare. Once again, family law is confirmed as a challenging test case for the implementation of the principles of equality and non-discrimination.

 Keywords: feminist jurisprudence, Same-sex marriage, non-discrimination.


