Differenti sguardi cattolici sull’educazione di genere nella scuola italiana: chiusure identitarie o aperture di nuove sfide?


  • Cristiana Ottaviano Università degli Studi di Bergamo
  • Laura Mentasti Università degli Studi di Bergamo




Since 2014, especially following the diffusion of the draft law n. 1680 that includes the proposal of introducing gender education and prospect into schools, there has been an increase in initiatives against the so-called “Gender Ideology” (GI) by some Italian associations and groups. This essay accounts for a research carried out between 2014 and 2017 about initiatives of Catholic organizations that place themselves among the “GI opposers”. The analysis highlights a violent style that aims at creating alarm and panic, mainly regarding supposed “gender” deviations within school education. Alarmingly, “GI opposers” warn against GI and they call on people in order to contrast its spread in schools. Thus, the role of school as «constitutional power» (Calamandrei 1950) is challenged. Nevertheless, a part of the Catholic world dissociates itself and urges a deep discussion about the gender concept as well as its involvement in the clerical, social, and educational environment.


Keywords: gender, school, education, ‘gender ideology’, catholic debate.

Biografía del autor/a

Cristiana Ottaviano, Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Dipartimento scienze umane e sociali

prof.sa associato di sociologia dei processi culturali 

