Men and Women’s Studies: Promise, Pitfalls, and Possibilities


  • Michael Kimmel Stony University



What has been the impact of Women’s and Gender Studies on men? While for many years, men assumed that Women’s Studies has nothing to do with their lives, this essay argues that one of Women’s Studies signal contributions has been to make gender visible to both women and men. The consequences of this invisibility are explored, and some of the promises and perils of Women’s Studies when applied to men’s lives are explored.


Key words: Women’s Studies, masculinities, gender. 

Biografía del autor/a

Michael Kimmel, Stony University

Professore di Sociologia presso Stony Brook University e Visiting Professor presso l’Institute for Women and Gender Studies dell’Università di Oslo. Pioniere negli studi sulla maschilità, è editor della rivista interdisciplinare Men and Masculinities e portavoce della National Organization for Men AGainst Sexism (NOMAS) negli Stati Uniti.

