Le coppie lesbiche e gay in Argentina. Riflessioni sull’amore, la famiglia e la sessualità nella terza età omosessuale


  • Fernando Rada Schultze Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Matteo Ingrosso Università del Salento




The approval of the same-sex marriage is one of the most progressive and egalitarian political measure in Argentina in the last decades. However, it had to overcome deeply grounded prejudices in the social imaginary, such as the supposed infidelity-promiscuity and affective instability that served as an excuse for deny this right. Thus, studying older longstanding couples, this article dismisses the stigmatizations of homosexual persons.

Following the theory of narrative identity, this work analyzes different manifestations of emotions between old men and old women and their vision through the years: love, desire, eroticism and their affective relationships in perspective. It also devels into the current situation of older gay men and lesbian women after the obtaining of this right. For this purpose, life stories and in-depth interviews as information gathering techniques were taken into consideration.


Keywords: narrative identity, older gay couples, equal marriage, love and erotism, family.

Biografía del autor/a

Fernando Rada Schultze, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Dottore di Ricerca presso l’Università di Buenos Aires

Diploma di Master in “Políticas Sociales” presso l’Università di Buenos Aires

Diploma di Specializzazione in “Planificación y Gestión de las Políticas Sociales”, presso l’Università di Buenos Aires

Dott. in Sociologia presso l’Università di Buenos Aires

Ricercatore post-dottorato nel Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Assegnista di Ricerca nel “Programa de Envejecimiento” della Facoltà Latinoamericana delle Scienze Sociali (FLACSO).

Professore della Facoltà di Scienze Sociali, Università di Buenos Aires

Matteo Ingrosso, Università del Salento

Specializzando in marketing management e gestione commerciale presso Esic Business and Marketing school.

Dottore in Economia e Finanza presso Università del Salento

