Le rappresentazioni della donna condannata madre di figli con disabilità: un’analisi di genere della sentenza n. 18 del 2020 della Corte costituzionale italiana


  • Costanza Agnella Università di Torino




Judgment n. 18, 2020, of the Italian Constitutional Court, offers an opportunity to reflect on the construction of the identity of sentenced women who are mothers of children with disabilities. This article, starting from the Court’s judgment, analyzes the representations of women found guilty of a crime. These representations emerge not only from the Court’s judgment, but also from the Italian law regarding home detention. In agreement with sources dealing with this issue in the context of gender and disability studies, this article highlights how the legal system tends – especially in the presence of severely disabled children – to represent condemned women mainly as “mothers”, giving men who are fathers a subsidiary role – and, in the case of children with disabilities, an almost “invisible” role – in childcare.

Keywords: motherhood, children with disabilities, sentenced women, fatherhood, childcare.

Biografia autore

Costanza Agnella, Università di Torino

Dipartimento di Management, dottoranda di ricerca in Diritti e Istituzioni; cultrice della materia in Filosofia del diritto.


