Educare alla parità di genere a scuola. Verso la costruzione di buone prassi: un’esperienza nel territorio fiorentino


  • Valentina Guerrini Università di Firenze- Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia



This paper highlights the need for the Italian school to pursue activities aimed to obstruct gender stereotypes and school activities attentive to gender difference and to the prevention of gender discrimination. The article describes a project implemented in some Florentine primary schools and aimed to reflect and to become aware teachers, headmasters and pupils about roles and gender stereotypes widespread in the domestic and professional context.

In fact, there are lots of studies that recognize the presence of rigid and stereotypical distinctions between males and females since childhood in the perception of their identities, games, and activities of everyday life. Investing in the teachers’ training to carry out gender teaching, means to contribute, through public education, to the training of new citizens.


Keywords: gender education, school, stereotypes.


Biografia autore

Valentina Guerrini, Università di Firenze- Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione e Psicologia

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