Deregolamentazione del mercato del lavoro e genere. Una lettura postkeynesiana


  • Gabriella Paulì Università del Salento - Lecce



According to the analytical neoclassical framework, the employment rate can increase through the deregulation of the labour market: this idea can be rejected by the post-Keynesian point of view that keeps the focus on different economic variables to explain the capitalist dynamics and the evolution of the employment rate. The Italian women’s conditions are changed in an ambiguous way in the last 20 years due to the deregulation of the labour market and the contraction of the welfare state. The focus of this article is to stress the impact of the public policy in the Italian female labor market and to explain the importance of claiming expansive fiscal policies as instrument to rise female occupation and give women a real economic empowerment.

Keywords: Postkeynesian Analyse, Deregulation, Female Employment, Protection Index.

Biografia autore

Gabriella Paulì, Università del Salento - Lecce

Dottoranda in Teoria e Ricerca Sociale - Dipartimento di Storia, Società e Studi sull'Uomo. 


