Trasformazioni organizzative e percorsi di apprendimento per validare bias e stereotipi di genere. Il caso del dipartimento col “Bollino rosa”




The contribution outlines the results of an exploratory case study carried out in the academic year 2017-18 on 50 female students of the Department of Education. In the first phase participatory observations, focus groups and semi-structured interviews were conducted. In the second phase organisational devices, methodological paths and system actions were developed to support students of the Degree Course in Education to validate culturally assimilated representations on the identity and professional role of educators. The marked female prevalence in the Degree Course (in a Department with 92% of female students out of the total enrolment) was discussed: this meant the construction of useful setting and paths that allow the female students to develop professional identities free from prejudices. Starting from the results, programs of career counselling have been developed that focus on gender and seek to strengthen their career paths and increase their employability. Moreover, collaborative multi-stakeholder research models have been introduced, involving students, researchers and institutional figures, to produce educational/organizational changes in the Department.

Keywords: gender, collaborative research, career and professional identity, transformative learning.

Biografía del autor/a

Francesca Bianchi, Università degli Studi di Siena

DSFUCI, Dipartimento di scienze della formazione, scienze umane e della comunicazione interculturale, viale Luigi Cittadini 33 - 52100 Arezzo

Delegato all'orientamento

