Yves Bonnefoy et la traduction de Shakespeare: l’épreuve du dialogue


  • Sara AMADORI


The aim of the present research is to study the specific quality of Bonnefoy's Shakespeare translations, and to understand the way in which such an experience has modified the French poet's poetry and his poetic and philosophical thinking. We have first of all defined Bonnefoy's poetics of translation, and the points it has/has not in common with Benjamin, Valéry, Meschonnic, Apel and Berman's reflexions on translation. As Antoine Berman would say, Bonnefoy's translations are characterised by their poetic and ethic quality, because they try to create a dialogue with the Shakespearean plays, as we have then demonstrated through some examples. Such a dialogue has influenced Bonnefoy's poetic experience and contributed to the development and maturity of his own poetry. We have finally shown how the « presence » of Shakespeare can be perceived in Bonnefoy's critical essays on arts and literature, and how his poetry has become more and more « theatrical » in Dans le leurre du seuil and in the recent production.


