Les TICE et l'écriture créative collaborative dans l'enseignement du français langue étrangère


  • Nancy Murzilli Université Paris VIII

Parole chiave:

français langue étrangère (FLE), technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'enseignement (TICE), écriture créative collaborative, atelier d'écriture, didactique des langues, perspective actionnelle, CECRL


The experimentation of digital technologies in many educational areas is a challenge in which are entering more and more teachers. This study aims to examine the particular interest of the use of information and communications technologies for teaching French as a foreign language. The main goal is to understand howlearning of French may be enhanced by the use of new technologies, through the analysis of an experiment conducted since 2010 about collaborative writing using ICT in a French foreign language course of License 2 (level B1), where learners have created radio dramas and photonovels within collaborative blogs.


