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Vol. 10 No. 20 (2021): Undoing Gender and Migration Stereotypes. For a Critical Analysis of Stereotypes in the Relation between Gender and Migration
Vol. 10 No. 20 (2021): Undoing Gender and Migration Stereotypes. For a Critical Analysis of Stereotypes in the Relation between Gender and Migration
(Un)doing gender and migration stereotypes
Maria Giulia Bernardini, Encarnación La Spina, Dolores Morondo Taramundi, Paola Parolari
PDF (Italiano)
Thematic Articles
Toxic masculinity and international protection
Luigi Pannarale, Leoluca Armigero
PDF (Italiano)
Women on the move: trafficked asylum seekers, between structural inequalities and induced vulnerabilities
Martina Facincani
PDF (Italiano)
From the protection of vulnerability to the recognition of migrant women's rights: Italian jurisprudence on the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence.
Note to judgment, Ordinary Court of Bologna, Specialized Section on Immigration, International Protection and Free Movement of EU citizens, February 1, 2021, no. R.G. 11436/2020.
Marilù Porchia
PDF (Italiano)
“Elsewhere, not here”: the right to respect for family life between gender stereotypes and anti-migrant policies
Elena Ghidoni
PDF (Italiano)
The Difficult Inclusion of the Gender Perspective in the Protection of Migrant Women in Latin America
Irene Spigno
PDF (Español (España))
Mothers and daughters in migration: construction and deconstruction of sexist and racist stereotypes
Erika Bernacchi, Tiziana Chiappelli
PDF (Italiano)
Home as a vital node in the process of inclusion of migrants: the role of women in collective abusive occupations in Italy
Mariella Nocenzi, Francesca Colella, Giovanna Gianturco
PDF (Italiano)
From victims to Asylum Queen: Nigerian refugee women and labour integration programmes
Noemi Martorano
PDF (Italiano)
“Don’t let people walk all over you”: Migrant women with tertiary education coping with essentialism in Italy and France
Anne-Iris Romens
Considerations upon the political dimensions of migration, sexism and racism questions within 8 March French feminist marches
Claudia Giorleo
PDF (Italiano)
The representation of girls and boys in the cinéma de banlieue of the year 2000
Paola Cosma
PDF (Italiano)
Open Section
Hijras a and colonising bodies: between morality and instincts
Giulia Ferro
PDF (Italiano)
Una reflexión histórica sobre la construcción del arquetipo de la viajera occidental en el imaginario cultural mediterráneo
Maria Teresa Avila Martinez
PDF (Español (España))
Absent Bodies, Present Bodies: Fathers and Male Educators at Covid-19 Time
Cristiana Ottaviano, Greta Persico
PDF (Italiano)
The Istanbul Convention and the Bulgarian Constitutional Court. Lost in translation?
Giacomo Viggiani
PDF (Italiano)
Bellè, E. (2021), L’altra rivoluzione. Dal Sessantotto al femminismo, Torino, Rosenberg & Sellier, pp. 227
Giada Bonu
PDF (Italiano)
Loche, A. (2021), La liberté ou la mort. Il progetto politico e giuridico di Olympe de Gouges, Modena, Mucchi Editore, pp. 153
Maria Borrello
PDF (Italiano)
Bainotti, L. e Semenzin, S. (2021), Donne tutte puttane: Revenge porn e maschilità egemone, Andria, Durango edizioni, pp. 143
Matteo Botto
PDF (Italiano)
The Care Collective (Chatzidakis, A., Hakim, J., Litter, J. & Rottenberg, C.) (2021), Manifesto della cura. Per una politica dell'interdipendenza, Edizioni Alegre, Roma, pp. 124
[Ed. originale 2020, The Care Manifesto: The Politics of Interdependence, Verso, London]
Daniela Cherubini
PDF (Italiano)
Corradi, L. (2018), Il femminismo delle Zingare. Intersezionalità, alleanze, attivismo di genere e queer, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, pp. 159
Alessia Franco
PDF (Italiano)
Guillaumin, C. (2020), Sesso, razza e pratica del potere. L’idea di natura, a cura di Garbagnoli S., Perilli, V. e Ribeiro Corossacz, V., Verona, ombre corte, pp. 245
Marta Panighel
PDF (Italiano)
Paasonen, S., Attwood, F., McKee, A., Mercer, J. e Smith, C. (2020), Objectification. On the Difference between Sex and Sexism, London-New York, Routledge, pp. 168
Silvia Rodeschini
PDF (Italiano)
Work in Progress
Il genere di ogni prodotto: riflessione sull’utilizzo di elementi comunicativi e formali che rafforzano il binarismo di genere e nuove prospettive
Giorgia Morandi, Mariabianca Minelli
PDF (Italiano)
Portrait of Simonetta Piccone Stella (1935-2019)
Emanuela Abbatecola, Luca Salmieri, Fabio Corbisiero
PDF (Italiano)
Siamo una squadra fortissime
Simone Castagno
PDF (Italiano)
AG - About Gender
ISSN 2279-5057
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