Il peccato nella scrittura di Jacques Chessex: qualche osservazione su « Les Yeux jaunes »


  • Riccardo BENEDETTINI


Calvinismo, Peccato, Malattia, Calvinism, Sin, Disease


The essay demonstrates the influence of religion on the nature of inspiration and the way in which Jacques Chessex elaborates often complex ideas in his work. The focus on sin, conceived as the voluntary trespass of a law which is considered divine, is always present in Les Yeux jaunes, where the spirit of Evil, represented by illness, causes the ruin of man. The analysis starts from the writer’s autobiography in order to show the tragic side of the human condition. With his customary mastery of language, Chessex eliminates the Protestant pudeur on which romande Literature of the past focused and creates an innovative style where modesty no longer concerns the representation of the body, but the expression of feelings.

