Varianti d’autore: Il «Dialogue Sur Le Coloris» di Roger De Piles dal 1673 al 1699


  • Giovanna Perini Folesani Università di Urbino Carlo Bo


Roger de Piles, querelle entre poussinistes et rubenistes, varianti di edizione


Two editions of the Dialogue sur le coloris were issued during Roger de Piles’ lifetime (1635-1709), the first one in 1673 and the next one in 1699, the same year when de Piles was made honorary advisor to the French Royal Academy . A number of minor but meaningful textual variations between the two editions have so far gone unnoticed. This paper focuses on them listing them for the first time and discussing their contents, proving that they were written by de Piles himself, reflecting shifts in his relations to the Academy and to its former leader, Charles Le Brun (d. 1690).

