Des canards aux romans : la mise en fiction du « fait divers » dans la littérature française des XVIe-XVIIe siècles


  • Frank Greiner Université de Lille


prose narrative, XVIIe siècle, canards, faits divers, histoires tragiques


In the XVIth and the XVIIth century at a time of development of a literature sensitive to the current events, many authors find their inspiration in the faits divers (mainly prodigious stories and crime stories). These aren’t told in the same manner in the « canards », the tragic stories or the novels. What vision of the headline-grabbing stories are producing these different types of texts ? What exactly gives them their characteristic shapes ? Which tonalities and which values do they carry? To better define the boundaries and measure the differences between the various adaptations and transformations of faits divers this study focuses on texts telling the same events, with the idea that the same facts described by an author of canards, a tragic stories’ writer or a novelist has inevitably different aspects.

