Le rôle de l’image matérielle dans l’actualisation du sens métaphorique des expressions idiomatiques


  • Günter SCHMALE


image matérielle, sens métaphorique, illustration


Analyzing advertisements and illustrations from newspapers, the contribution studies the relationship between physical images and linguistic images contained in idiomatic expressions serving as a slogan within the adverts examined. Starting out from the principle that images are not per se metaphorical, the article examines – from a pragmatic point of view – to which extent photographs, illustrations etc. contribute or not to the creation of a metaphorical link between the “concrete” source domain and the “abstract” target domain of the pictorial element contained in an idiomatic expression. Six different types of incidence on the possibi-lity to interpret the phraseological image metaphorically via the physical image are being discussed: illustration or intensification, opacity, neutralisation, absence of relationship, actualization of a pictorial idiom not represented textually. The study also demonstrates that the metaphorical character of an image depends on both semantic and co- and contextual factors.





Métaphores, communication et analyse du discours