Le rôle des essaims métaphoriques dans la construction d’un discours métalinguistique ordinaire partagé
Discours métalinguistique profane, essaim métaphorique, prédiscoursAbstract
This paper proposes an analysis of some major metaphorical isotopies characterising non-expert metalinguistic discourse on the French language in the national and regional press and on a number of websites between 1995 and 2005. This analysis seeks to integrate the notions of "prédiscours" (Paveau 2006) and "metaphorical swarm" (Prandi, Mattera 2012) in a consistent theoretical framework with a view to explaining the role of these metaphors in the construction of a common and shared "lay" knowledge encompassing the heterogeneous and sometimes contradictory attitudes expressed by the speakers. To this end, the organicist isotopy, the image of the battle and that of the trajectory will be carefully examined.
Métaphores, communication et analyse du discours