Comment perdre une lutte ?


  • Dominique Dupart Université de Lille



jean thibaudeau, situationnisme, mai 68, insurrection


How can an insurrectionary work be defined, in May 1968 ? To answer that question, one must take into account the different levels of critical reception of the political events, while confronting them with literary and academic research discourses, contemporary to the events, as well as retrospective. The trajectory of a long-forgotten writer of May 1968, Jean Thibaudeau, the author, among other writings, of May 1968 en France, published in 1970 in the « Tel Quel » series of the Editions du Seuil, gives us a view of the relation between literary discourse and the insurrection itself, complex and contradictory – all the more, that our perception of what poetic creation was at that time, is disturbed by today’s reception codes of literary works, which prevent us, in multiple ways, to seize, through its immobilization, the singularity of an insurrectionary toppling, shifting into literary creation.


2020-09-14 — Updated on 2022-03-16



Formes poétiques, formes politiques