De l’événement à l’écriture : Alain Nadaud et Mai 68
mai 68, Michel de Certeau, écriture, mouvements insurrectionnelsAbstract
The problematic relationship between May 68 and its recounting was noticed very early by several protagonists of the movement. According to several theoretical reflections (including those of M. Blanchot, J.-C. Milner, J.-F. Lyotard), discursive language proves itself inadequate to restore the character of pure emergence and permanent action of “events”. The article aims to show how the work of Alain Nadaud, who claims the influence of May 68 on his decision to be a writer, expresses the quest for the événementielle nature of literary writing.
2020-09-14 — Updated on 2022-03-16
Figures de mai : rémémorations et narrations contemporaines
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