Al di là del romanzo: quando la letteratura francese contemporanea varca le soglie della prigione


  • Margareth Amatulli



«littérature de terrain», letteratura carceraria, œuvres non fictionnelles en prose, letteratura francese contemporanea, engagement


Through the analysis of a corpus of works that escapes the fictional categories, we intend to question the contribution of contemporary French literature to the representation of the prison. Does such a borderline universe remain on the borderline of literature? Or does it participate fully in its forms at a time when they themselves escape a normative code and hybridize with each other? Prison by François Bon, Le bruit des trousseaux by Philippe Claudel, fragmentation d'un lieu commun by Jane Sautière, La grande maison by Michèle Sales, Prof chez les taulards by Aude invite us to reflect on the possibility for literature to welcome such a specific universe and a new form of literary engagement.


2020-05-04 — Updated on 2022-03-18



Carcere, Dispositivo, Controllo: il mondo come prigione