Fiction transmédiale, fiction problématique. À partir d'« Interview » d’Agnès Geoffray


  • Pascal Mougin


We propose to reflect here on the way in which the transmediality in art contributes to questioning the opposition between fiction and non-fiction. From Agnès Geoffray's piece, «Interview ou comment mes parents sont morts ou comment j’en suis venue à l’art» (video, 15 ', 2006), example of these literatures "out of the text" (since the text in this case, is updated and mediated in the form of a filmed interview with a journalist), it will be a question of seeing how the actualization and the extra-book circulation of a story changes its enunciative modalities and its pragmatic aim, and at the same time the fictional regime itself. Interview, constitutes a case of "fictionalism", namely a "true-lying" that may well prove irreducible to traditional categories: neither quite fiction, nor non-fiction, nor autofiction, nor trickery.





Quand la narration se combine aux images et aux sons