Publier et diffuser les nouvelles formes de l’écriture scientifique : un point de vue d’éditeur public


  • Damien de Blic



Publishing / University presses / Humanities and social sciences / Open Science / Research-Creation


For the past few years, public scientific publishing houses have been receiving proposals to publish texts that are part of new forms of research writing: documented fiction, research-creation manuscripts, literary renditions of sociological surveys, etc. Several publishers have responded positively, not only by welcoming such manuscripts into their existing collections, but also by creating dedicated editorial spaces for them.  In this article, we propose to approach this phenomenon from the experience of the Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, whose editorial offer has been clearly redefined in the last few months under the effect of these innovative works. We will see how these new formats have been able to question the existing editorial circuit (starting with the evaluation of texts), up to questioning the very mission of scientific or academic publishing. Then we will show how the integration of these formats is in fact perfectly justified from the point of view of a mission of transmission of knowledge, and even corresponds to a demanding conception of an open science, by reopening the possibilities of meeting between the world of research and the society. 


2022-09-19 — Updated on 2022-11-07
