Des feuilletons de Geoffroy au Cours de littérature dramatique (1800-1825)


  • Thibaut Julian



Julien-Louis Geoffroy, dramatic criticism, French Consulate and First Empire, theatrical repertoire, literary history


This paper analyzes the editorial shift from the theatrical “feuilletons” by Julien-Louis Geoffroy, the famous dramatic critic, which were issued in the Journal des Débats/Journal de l’Empire between 1800 and 1814, to the Cours de littérature dramatique, a collection of most of his reviews published after his death, in 1819 (first edition) then 1825. This anthology gives a glimpse into the evolutions of play-acting, dramatic genres and topics during the Napoleonic era. It reads like a palimpsest of plays through which the reader, from the Restoration onwards, could access a wide range of knowledge from the Ancients to Geoffroy’s time, including the Enlightenment and the French Revolution that he despised and debunked as a conservative, although he could also appreciate contemporary plays and trends.


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2023-01-27 — Updated on 2023-02-06
