« Rev.E. Revolution and Empire » : pour une archive digitale de la production dramatique du Consulat


  • Paola Perazzolo




Conceived within the European project “Rev.E. Revolution and Empire. Evolution of the dramatic art and cultural policies between the end of French Revolution and the Imperial Era” (Marie Sklodowska-Curie, Horizon 2020, grant agreement n° 895913 ), the French Theater Calendar (1799-1804) database is designed as an online digital archive providing researchers with the reconstruction of the Parisian theatrical repertoire of the consular period as well as multiple information on the performances derived from the analysis of the contemporary press. Its primary objective is to fill, at least partially, the current lack of safe and reliable data on a dramatic production that is still too neglected by contributing to the development of critical analysis. A better knowledge of the repertoire, its constitution and its reception will allow a better knowledge of the history of performances, of the evolution of dramatic and scenic tendencies, of the development of genres.


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2023-01-27 — Updated on 2023-02-06
