This is an outdated version published on 2023-07-14. Read the most recent version.

Le rôle et les enjeux de la ville en guerre dans la bande dessinée (Abirached, Merhej, Satrapi)


  • Elisa Bricco



Three authors, Zeina Abirached, Lena Merhej and Marjane Satrapi tell the story of the city at war in autobiographical and memorial comics. Through the analysis of some of their pages, we will question the relationship between the narration of space and the space in the narration as a "décor-actant" (Robert, 2018). Based on the notions of “espace vécu, conçu et perçu” (Lefevbre, 1974), we will note the passage from the city as a setting in which events take place to the city as a setting-actant reflecting the moods of the people and participating in their experiences. The city bruised by the war thus becomes a character accompanying the human beings.



ABIRACHED, Zeina, Mourir Partir Revenir. Le jeu des hirondelles, Paris, Cambourakis, 2007.

MERHEJ, Lena, Marmellata con Laban, sous la dir. de Maria Rosaria Greco, tr. Enrica Battista, Messina, Mesogea, 2021 (2011).

SATRAPI, Marjane, Persepolis, Paris, L'Association, 4 tomes, 2000-2003.


