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L’ecolinguistica accessibile a tutti


  • Maria Cristina Caimotto



crisi climatica, traduzione intersemiotica, crescitismo, metafore, divulgazione


In 2021, the University of Torino conceived a travelling exhibition entitled Language, Communication, and Perception of the Climate Crisis as part of the Lessico e Nuvole project, which includes a series of meetings, the publication of several educational books for non-specialists, a podcast series, and other initiatives. This contribution recounts the work of intersemiotic translation from the lemmas of the volume and publications of the three curators to the panels to be displayed within the exhibition. For each exhibition panel, the steps that led to the choice of elements to be included and some draft versions that show the work of transposition are described. The reflections with which the vignettes were designed are also recounted. The aim of the article is to reaffirm the importance of scientific dissemination, to offer suggestions to those who wish to design exhibition panels on linguistic topics, and to underline the contribution that even scientific disciplines not immediately connected to the climate crisis can make.  



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Curatele e articoli in volumi collettivi

CAIMOTTO M.C. Anglicisms in Italian environmentally friendly marketing. English as the global language of capitalism or sustainability? in Ji C. (Ed.) Translating and Communicating Environmental Cultures. London and New York, Routledge, 2019.

CAIMOTTO M.C. Gli stakeholder contro il climate change per un mondo più green versus parla come mangi. L’uso degli anglicismi nei testi promozionali a sfondo ambientalista: un’analisi discorsiva in Daniela Fargione and Serenella Iovino (Eds.) ContaminAzioni ecologiche: Cibi, Nature, Culture, Irene – Interdisciplinary Researches, 2015.

CAIMOTTO M.C. The unsustainable Anglicization of sustainability discourse in Italian green companies in R. Salvi and W. Cheng (Eds.) Textus. Carocci, Roma, 2013.

FILL A. & MÜHLHÄUSLER P. (Eds.), The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology and Environment. Continuum, London and New York, 2001.

GEUNA S. «Prefazione», in G. LATINI, M. BAGLIANI, T. ORUSA (eds), Nuovo Lessico e Nuvole, Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, pp. 11-12, 2020. Disponibile online: Consultato il 4.3.2024.

HALLIDAY, M. A. K. New Ways of Meaning: The Challenge to Applied Linguistics. In A. Fill & P.

Mühlhäusler (Eds.), The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology and Environment (pp.175–202). Continuum, London and New York, 2001.

LATINI G., BAGLIANI M., ORUSA T. (eds), Nuovo Lessico e Nuvole, Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2020. Disponibile online:

LATINI G., BAGLIANI M., ORUSA T. (eds), Lessico e Nuvole, Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, 2019.

SZERSZYNSKI, B. Reading and Writing the Weather. Theory, Culture & Society. 27(2–3): 9–30, 2010.

WODAK, R. (ed.) Critical Discourse Analysis. vol. 1-4 2013, London, Sage.

Articoli su rivista

CAIMOTTO M.C. E MOLINO, A. Anglicisms in Italian as alerts to greenwashing: a case study in Critical Approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines. Vol. 5 (1): 1 – 16, 2011, dispo-nibile online

LAKOFF, G. Why It Matters How We Frame the Environment. Environmental Communication, 4(1): 70–81, 2010, disponibile on line :

PENZ, H. & FILL, A. Ecolinguistics: History, today, and tomorrow. Journal of World Languages, 8(2), 232-253, 2022. disponibile on line

ROCKSTRÖM, J., W. STEFFEN, K. NOONE, Å. PERSSON, F. S. CHAPIN, III, E. LAMBIN, T. M. LENTON, M. SCHEFFER, C. FOLKE, H. SCHELLNHUBER, B. NYKVIST, C. A. DE WIT, T. HUGHES, S. VAN DER LEEUW, H. RODHE, S. SÖRLIN, P. K. SNYDER, R. COSTANZA, U. SVEDIN, M. FALKENMARK, L. KARLBERG, R. W. CORELL, V. J. FABRY, J. HANSEN, B. WALKER, D. LIVERMAN, K. RICHARDSON, P. CRUTZEN, AND J. FOLEY. Planetary boundaries:exploring the safe operating space for humanity. Ecology and Society 14(2): 32, 2009. disponibile on line:

ZORZI, V., Challenging dominant perspectives on science. Scientific uncertainty and expertise in the discourse of popular online sources, in Textus. English studies in Italy, 34 (2):103-120, 2021.

ZOTTOLA, A. & DE MAJO, C. The Anthropocene: genesis and popularization in thepress. Text & Talk, 42(4): 453-473, 2022, disponibile on line:

ZOTTOLA, A., ATANASOVA, D., CARDWELL, E., FORRESTER, J., STEVENS, C. “Nitrogen Pollution in the Press: 1984-2018”. Discourse & Communication 14(1), pp. 84-103, 2020.

Risorse online

CORDISCO, S. Grafiche, disponibile online

MACKAY, A. Don’t Look Up. United States, 2021, disponibile online

MACKAY, G. Wednesday March 11, 2020, disponibile online (marzo 2020).

MEADOWS, D. Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System, disponibile online,1999.

UNITO, Lessico e nuvole: le parole del cambiamento climatico, Gli Speciali, disponibile online (ultimo aggiornamento luglio 2022), consultato il 4.3.2024.


