Des voix en voie. Des femmes de réseau dans les avant-gardes historiques


  • Elisa BORGHINO

Mots-clés :

avant-gardes historiques, femmes artistes, femmes de lettres, réseau


This article explores the thick network of relations established by some female characters who have inspired projects and researches within the historical avant-garde in the French panorama of the early twentieth century. This study examines women – Sonia Delaunay, Marie Laurencin, Valentine de Saint-Point and Elsa Triolet – who have worked closely with the main leaders of the emerging avant-garde movement, giving rise to projects and cooperations across Europe. These fecund female artists, who share multiculturalism and multilingual abilities, are the most active in the literary-artistic landscape of the early twentieth century. Traces of their works can be found in correspondence, excerpts, memoirs and other documents, both published and unpublished, that are a valid testimony to the authors' ability to put in place communicative strategies for an adequate recognition of their work into the national and international scene.

