Agota Kristof e il segreto della scrittura


  • Mariangela CASCAVILLA

Parole chiave:

metaliterature,twins-double, diary, writing, lie, foreign language


This essay is about Kristof’s writing: a meaningful example of metaliterature. Agota Kristof writes about writing, building the narration on three levels: the biographic level (L’Analphabète), the literary level (Le Troisième Mensonge – Hier) and the metaliterary one (Le Grand Cahier – La Preuve – some fragments of Hier). The three levels melt into each other, so that when we read about Lucas, Klaus and Tobias/Sàndor (Kristof’s writers and alter ego), we read Kristof’s story too. But Agota Kristof warns: words are treacherous. They have the power to change reality into fiction: «[...] et tout devient faux. À cause des mots» (Hier).


