1. Gérer l’urgence de la formation linguistique des élèves allophones : quelles priorités pédagogiques pour les lycéens nouvellement arrivés ?


  • Elodie Graveleau




second-language didactics, welcoming class, allophone newcomer students, needs analysis, curriculum


In the institutional decisions taken to send newcomer students to school, the temporal logic is not the only one at work: the number of French lessons, their frequency and duration have a strong impact on the success of allophone students in high school, faced with the urgency of graduating in two or three years after their arrival in France. We will illustrate these constraints and tensions through the example of our teaching context.

We will also make a content proposal for allophone high school students. In our thesis work, we developed an inventory of skills, discussing the notions of progression (Cuq, Puren, Coste), curriculum (Martinez, Perrenoud) and framework (Maurer, Vicher, Chauvigné & Lenoir). We will present here the methodological needs of newcomer students, insofar as the quick acquisition of these skills is one of the major challenges of teaching French in UPE2A high school.


BEAUGRAND C, Transposition des démarches du français sur objectifs spécifiques en contexte scolaire : élaboration didactique en français langue de scolarisation dans trois disciplines du collège, thèse de doctorat non publiée, Université Paris 3, Paris 2019.

CHERQUI G., PEUTOT F., Inclure : français de scolarisation et élèves allophones, Hachette FLE, Paris 2015.

GRAVELEAU É., Vers un référentiel pour l'UPE2A lycée : cadre théorique FLE/FLM/FLS/FLSCO et contraintes institutionnelles, thèse de doctorat, Université Rennes 2, Rennes 2021, disponibile online https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-03622605/document, consultato il 20.01.2023.

MAURER B., PUREN C., CECR : par ici la sortie !, Éditions des archives contemporaines, Paris 2019.


2023-12-03 — Updated on 2025-01-30
