Esilio interiore e riscrittura del reale in « Fou trop poli » di Eugène Savitzkaya


  • Marcella BISERNI


Savitzkaya, Surrealismo, Surrealism, Maldoror, Nougé, Beckett


The protagonist of Fou trop poli tells a story of a social and, at the same time, inner exile. The writer identifies with a madman, and later transforms into a gardener or into a coleopteran, eventually wandering off to a collective narration that entails a total symbiosis with Nature. The figure of the lunatic,already present in some of Savitzkaya’s previous works, goes back to other famous literary fools, from Maldoror to Beckett’s characters and, through a refined and humorous rewriting process – typical of Belgian Surrealism – dismantles language in order to restore reality.

