Gueliche lande cum en ger? - Come un galloromano si fa capire nella Germania altomedievale


  • Claudia Händl Università di Genova


Pariser Gespräche -Altdeutsche Gespräche – Giuramenti di Strasburgo - bilinguismo romanzo-germanico - Paris Conversations – Old German Conversations – Oaths of Strasbourg – Romance-Germanic bilingualism


The present study aims at analysing an extremely interesting literary case of the Carolingian time represented by a bilingual text known as Pariser Gespräche (‘Paris Conversations’) or Altdeutsche Gespräche (‘Old German Conversations’), which was produced in an area of language contact between lingua teudiska and lingua romana. In particular, the function of the text in its socio-cultural context will be outlined on the basis of its peculiar manuscript tradition, linguistic features as well as of a series of specific content criteria.à di determinare la funzione del testo nel suo contesto socioculturale.

