Dizionari economici e commerciali bilingui tedesco/italiano
lessicografia specialistica, dizionari, economia, finanza traduzione, specialized lexicography, dictionary, economics, finance, translationAbstract
Until a few years ago, few and mainly obsolete were Italian-German specialized dictionaries, especially those belonging to the technical, scientific, medical, economic and financial domains. In the first ten years of the 21st century, this gap has largely been filled, mainly thanks to the editorial activity of the publishers Zanichelli/Langenscheidt and Hoepli/Brandstetter.
In this paper, we analyse in detail and compare the two main lexicographic works on economics and finance, published respectively in 2004 and 2005: Piergiulio Tàino Il tedesco dell’economia, dizionario economico, finanziario e commerciale and Dizionario tedesco economico & commerciale Hoepli. Accompanied by a CD-ROM, both dictionaries are extremely useful tools for practitioners, translators as well as students that are approaching specialized terminology.