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Axiological Neutrality or Ethical Commitment: the Responsibility of the Analyst of Argumentation in Discourse


  • Roselyne Koren



Researcher engagement, Enunciative responsibility, Cognitive value judgment, Fallacious analogy, Apartheid


Many researchers in language sciences in France consider axiological neutrality as one of the essential foundations of epistemic research. It alone would guarantee the scientificity of their work and would even be the fundamental raison d'être of all scientific knowledge. This choice is perfectly legitimate; it is then opposed to that of a militant ideological commitment. The researcher should stick to the function of observer and not cross the border separating him from the authors of his corpus. There is, however, a third option: that of an ethical commitment. The author has been trying to define and practice this type of commitment for many years. It only becomes necessary and relevant, in her view, when the analyst of argumentation in discourse is confronted with fallacious ideological corpora or hate speech that does not care about the possible iniquitous or mortifying consequences of their speech acts. I will demonstrate that it is possible, thanks to the guarantee of an established knowledge in linguistics, discourse analysis and argumentative rhetoric, to practice an epistemic responsible resistance whose target is the integrity and the enunciative responsibility of the author of the analyzed corpus. This approach will be illustrated by the critical analysis of an emblematic tribune, published in Libération (27.07.2021) and signed by "more than a thousand artists, intellectuals and academics from over 45 countries".


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