This is an outdated version published on 2023-12-03. Read the most recent version.

Una guida europea di riferimento per l’alfabetizzazione in lingua seconda di migranti adulti: “Literacy And Second Language learning for the Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants”


  • Fernanda Minuz
  • Lorenzo Rocca



Literacy - L2 - Adults - Inclusion


The contribution aims to present LASLLIAM, the European reference guide for literacy and second language learning of adult migrants. A brief introduction precedes the discussion of the distinction between literacy and illiteracy. Then, on the basis of this distinction, the needs of no and low literate learners are enucleated, and how LASLLIAM intends to respond to them is illustrated. A description of the progression scales follows, for which proposals and first evidences of concrete application are offered, both in relation to the curricula development, and to the assessment of literacy and second language competences. Finally, the article closes by hypothesizing future scenarios related to LASLLIAM.


COUNCIL OF EUROPE/CONSEIL DE L’EUROPE, Quadro comune europeo di riferimento per le lingue: apprendimento, insegnamento, valutazione, La Nuova Italia-Oxford, Firenze, 2002.

MINUZ F, Italiano L2 e alfabetizzazione in età adulte, Carocci, Roma, 2005.

MINUZ F., KURVERS J., NAEB R., SCHRAMM K., ROCCA L., Literacy and Second Language Learning for the linguistic integration of adult migrants. Reference guide, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, disponibile on-line (2022), consultato il 18.3.2023.

TARONE E., BIGELOW M. AND HANSEN K., Literacy and second language oracy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2009.


