This is an outdated version published on 2023-12-03. Read the most recent version.

L’apprentissage du français pour des Mineurs Non Accompagnés à travers le prisme de l’autonomisation


  • Sakina El Khattabi



learning autonomy, MNA, school integration and language skills.


This article results from a FLE teaching experience carried out in 2021 in a class of Unaccompanied Minors, hosted in the premises of the association France Terre d'Asile in Amiens. Given the strong heterogeneity of the learners participating in the courses, the pedagogical practice put in place aims to value the empowerment of learners regarding their learning. To do this, we have built a program of 7 modules having in common to use the documentary resources of the web. 


BEAUNE, A., 2015. Contribution à l’étude des pratiques instrumentées des formateurs d’adultes : le cas du DILF. Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle.

LITTLE, D. (2002). Towards greater learner autonomy in the foreign language classroom. Dublin : Authentik.

EL KHATTABI S., Marie Legrand, Irène Gautier, Chloé Maynard, Roxanthi Exarchou, Stéphane Poulet, Astrid Véro, Tito Burbano, 2021, L’essentiel FLE : l’apprentissage du français des mineurs isolés étrangers en France, France terre d’asile, DPMIE, Paris.


