ISSN 1824-7482
Tendances et variations en néologie : genres textuels, communautés d'usage
Vol. 40 No. 2 (2023)The issue of Publifarum presented in these pages brings together some of the contributions presented at the fifth CINEO conference on neology in Romance languages (Genoa, 1-2-3 September 2022).
Langues secondes en contexte migratoire et pandémique
Vol. 39 No. 1 (2023)This issue focuses on the challenges of second language learning/didactics/pedagogy/policies for migrants in the context of the pandemic. Already fragile and vulnerable, migrants face growing challenges such as freedom of mobility, access to online courses, and the impact of social distancing due to Covid-19.
What, then, is the role of second languages in such contexts, and how can language training help migrants gain recognition, visibility or social identity? -
The representation of the city in comic books
Vol. 38 No. 2 (2022)The theme of the representation of space in comics is interesting because it is a cross-cutting subject, but one that can be applied according to different cultural and stylistic sensibilities; it allows reflection to be anchored in a specific context by linking it to perception and personal experience. This theme allows us to reflect on the relationship between the space represented and the space of representation, that of the board and the square. In this issue we are interested in space as a living environment, in space that is lived and perceived rather than strictly architectural space, which often becomes an intimate space, linked to the experience of the authors and/or characters.
Theatrical life and dramatic poetry from the Consulate to the Restoration (1799-1823)
Vol. 37 No. 1 (2022)This issue of Publifarum proposes to reflect on different aspects of the theatrical life of a period still rather neglected by critics by analysing dramatic creation, the evolution of genres and the material life of theatres in relation to the socio-political context, cultural policies and the development of the press.
New forms of scientific writing
Vol. 36 No. 2 (2021)This issue of the journal Publifarum aims to question the new forms of scientific writing in order to develop critical reflection on writing as it is practiced today in the humanities and social sciences as well as in the so-called "hard" sciences.
Écritures mélomanes
No. 35 (2021)Directed by Elisa Bricco, Serena Cello, Marie Gaboriaud, Chiara Rolla
L’imaginaire de Mai 68 dans la littérature contemporaine
No. 34 (2020)Directed by Andrea Del Lungo and Estelle Mouton-Rovira.
Da dietro le sbarre: arte, letteratura e carcere dall'ottocento a oggi
No. 32 (2020)Progetto di Elisa Bricco, Roberto Francavilla, Laura Quercioli, Raniero Speelman.
Edizione a cura di Lidia Mafrica
Terminologie e comunicazione istituzionale, tra multilinguismo e traduzione - Atti della giornata del CERTEM
No. 31 (2019)A cura di Micaela Rossi
La littérature et les arts : paroles d’écrivain.e.s
No. 30 (2019)Un projet de Margareth Amatulli, Elisa Bricco, Nancy Murzilli, Chiara Rolla
Pratiques artistiques intermédiales
No. 29 (2018)sous la direction de Elisa Bricco et Nancy Murzilli
Comité scientifique : Margherita Amatulli, Elisa Bricco, Oscar Meo, Nancy Murzilli, Chiara Rolla -
Periferie: percezioni, conflitti e rigenerazioni
No. 28 (2017)A cura di Laura Colombino, Davide Finco, Anna Giaufret, Michele Porciello
CERTEM - Terminologie, multilinguismo e Istituzioni Europee
No. 27 (2017)a cura di Michele Prandi, Edoardo Pusillo, Micaela Rossi, Jacqueline Visconti
Du labyrinthe à la toile / Dal labirinto alla rete - Mélanges en l'honneur de Sergio Poli / Miscellanea in onore di Sergio Poli a cura di Elisa Bricco, Ilaria Torre, Simone Torsani
No. 26 (2016)Comitato Scientifico: E. Bricco, A. Giaufret, I. Merello, N. Murzilli, C. Rolla, M. Rossi, I. Torre, S. Torsani
La Francesistica italiana à l'ère du numérique - Actes du colloque de la SUSLLF 2014
No. 25 (2016)sous la direction de Elisa BRICCO, Anna GIAUFRET, Nancy MURZILLI, Sergio POLI, Micaela ROSSI
Une fable de La Fontaine au prisme de la critique - Journée d'étude pour les 50 ans SUSLLF. Rome, 6 février 2015
No. 24 (2015)sous la direction du Comité de rédaction Publif@rum
Les avatars de la métaphore
No. 23 (2015)sous la direction de Elisa BRICCO, Anna GIAUFRET, Nancy MURZILLI, Sergio POLI, Micaela ROSSI
Enfances francophones - Atti della VII Giornata della Francofonia, Verona, 19 marzo 2013
No. 22 (2014)Sara Arena, Laura Colombo, Paola Perazzolo, Elena Quaglia
Le Québec recto/verso - Association des Jeunes Chercheurs Européens en Etudes Québécoises
No. 21 (2014)Sous la direction de Hélène Amrit, Gilles Dupuis, Anna Giaufret, Peter Klaus
Lire le roman francophone. Hommage à Parfait Jans (1926-2011) - Actes de la VIe Journée de la Francophonie Vérone, 28 mars 2012
No. 20 (2013)sous la direction de Rosanna Gorris Camos
Ricerche Dottorali in Francesistica - Nos voix/voies pour la Recherche
No. 19 (2013)Sous la direction de Domenica Iaria, Mariagrazia Margarito, Letizia Norci Cagiano, Valeria Sperti, Marisa Verna
Lingua e Diritto. La Lingua della Legge, la Legge nella Lingua - Studi in onore di Giuseppina Piccardo
No. 18 (2013)a cura di Joachim Gerdes
Venus d'ailleurs. Ecrire l'exil en français - Actes de la Ve journée de la Francophonie de Verone
No. 17 (2012)sous la direction de Rosanna Gorris Camos, Laura Colombo, Paola Perazzolo
Ricerche Dottorali in Francesistica - Studi di Linguistica e di Letteratura Francese
No. 16 (2011)sous la direction de Sergio Cappello